Feb 12, 2024

Protocol Theory and BlockSurvey Announce Strategic Partnership

Protocol Theory announces a strategic partnership with BlockSurvey, a leader in privacy-focused survey and form building technology.

Protocol Theory and BlockSurvey Announce Strategic Partnership

We are thrilled to announce a strategic partnership with BlockSurvey, a leader in privacy-focused survey and form building technology. This collaboration marks a significant milestone for both companies and for the brands we serve in the digital asset and Web3 spaces.

At Protocol Theory, we've always been committed to delivering actionable, data-driven insights to help our clients find their competitive advantage. Our partnership with BlockSurvey aligns perfectly with this mission, as it enhances our ability to conduct market research with an unprecedented level of data privacy and security.

Why BlockSurvey?

BlockSurvey's blockchain-based platform ensures that the data collected through surveys, forms, and polls is end-to-end encrypted. This means the privacy of respondents is respected and secured, enabling us to gather honest, uninhibited insights crucial for strategic decision-making.

What This Means for Our Clients:

Enhanced Privacy and Security: Your respondents' data is protected, ensuring higher participation rates and more reliable data.

Cutting-Edge Insights: Leverage the power of blockchain technology to gain insights that were previously challenging to capture.

Innovative Research Methods: Our partnership allows us to explore new methodologies in consumer research, setting your brand apart.

Our Vision Together:

Through our partnership, Protocol Theory and BlockSurvey aim to transform market research with blockchain technology, offering unparalleled data privacy and security. This collaboration unlocks innovative research methodologies, giving our clients a competitive edge in the digital asset and Web3 spaces. Together, we're set to deliver strategic insights and reliable data, ensuring your brand's growth and innovation.

We look forward to the incredible value this partnership will bring to our clients and the broader digital asset and Web3 communities. Stay tuned for updates on our joint initiatives and how we're making a difference in the world of market research and consumer insights.

Here's to a future where data privacy and insightful research pave the way for brand growth and innovation!

For more on BlockSurvey, visit

Protocol Theory

Protocol Theory

Protocol Theory is a strategic brand and consumer insights consultancy, committed to helping the world's leading Web3 and digital asset brands onboard the next billion users.